y artistic expression is composed by a mixture of spirit from old and great artistic schools with a force of certain sophisticated social criticism divided between dimensions of time and space. In that parallel reality the relation of aesthetic- existential is the essential for development of artistic metaphors and paradoxes.
Iconography is made by stylized human portraits or figures, composed in a caricatural way, but with gesture which doesn’t lead to strong irony and without intention to laugh at. Their faces are covered by kindness and longing: they are surprised in a world they exist, but more than all - these characters search for collocutors from the other side. Main motive is to find more conversationalists.
"Pozdrav! Slike su vam tako neobične, kombinacija portreta srednjevjekovnih majstora i ruskih bajki i 3 D crtića... Face su profinjeno izdužene i produhovljene. Jako mi se sviđaju."
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