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Current job: Visual artist, translator from French and English into Arabic and journalist at the Middle East News Agency (MENA).
Artistic Medium: photography, painting, drawing, clay, objects, and all other stuff that can be transformed in an artistic object.
Institutional affiliation: Cairo Atelier /syndicat of journalistes.
Solo exhibitions
- Saad Zaghloul project (An ongoing interactive exhibition on Time and Space notions), Saad Zaghloul cultural Center (fall 2009).
- The sea, Cairo Atelier, may, 2008.
-Pathes, Gallery
-One artist show for one night, the International book fare, january 1994.
From the window, Mashrabia Gallery, 1993.
- Daly rhythms, Mashrabia Gallery, 1991.
- (Wirthout title), The Gallery of the Netheirlands Institute of Archaeology, 1990.
-(Wirthout title)The Abdol Moneaam El Sawi Gallery, Nasr city, 1990.
- Beginings #2,
- Beginings #1, at the libreray of "Dar el Thakafa El Jadida/the new culture" publishing house, 1988.
Group exhibitions
-Gobal Village (an ongoing project on globalisation: internet, media, mass consumption and climate change),
-Deram carpet (Serpentine Gallery), Sawa's collection,
-Prayer Flags around the world, (Artists over the frontiers), a hangued bibers like Tibetan prayer flags against the war,
-All what you need, a workshop on classic commercials wall painting, "Sawa" workshops (the Town House gallery), Mars 9-Mars 31,2009.
-Saad Zaghloul project's draft Artist book, 1st symposium of artist book, Cairo Atelier, December 2008.
- Fashion show, Goethe Institut in
-Two artists & the sea New Cairo Atelier, November 2008.
-Groom and bride,"Sawa" workshops, the Town House gallery), August 2008.
-The celebration of the second anniversary of New
-"Protect the sea environnement", El Balakaa gallery, Akabaa (Jordan, september 2008).
-The 56th Salon's
-Cairo/Alexandria ( running parallel to Imagining the Book# 2), Alexandrina Atelier, 2005.
-Palm, my sister, Mashrabia Gallery, 2000.
-Original design for T-shirt, Mashrabia Gallery, 1997.
-New creativities, the 29th International Fare Book, 1997.
-Chairs, Chairs…, Mashrabia Gallery, 1996.
-Drawings, Mashrabia Gallery, 19995.
-First exhibition for the solidarity with the publishing of “Ein”/Eye review, Mashrabia Gallery, 1993.
- Héliorama Annual exhibition, Centre Français de Culture et de Coopération(CCF), 1993.
- Héliorama Annual exhibition, Centre Français de Culture et de Coopération(CCF), 1993.